What type of alerts can I receive?

Leak Alerts:

A leak alert will come as a push notification on your smartphone and will notify you if the Monitor/Control detects a possible leak. These alerts can also be found in the Leak Alerts History section in the StreamLabs App.

Slow Leak: Below are the customizable flow rates for slow leak alerts and a common household example of each.

  • 0.1 gpm – Small Leak. (Recommended)
  • 0.25 gpm – Faucet Just Opened
  • 0.5 gpm – Faucet half open
  • 0.75 gpm – Faucet ¾ Open
  • 1.0 gpm – Faucet fully open
  • Disabled – Not recommended.

For a Slow Leak, there are also multiple durations you can select as well. They range from 5 minutes to 1 hour. You will receive leak alerts for all flows that meet or exceed your selected parameters. 

Major Leak: Major leaks have customizable flow rates:

  • 2 gpm – Toilet
  • 3 gpm – Toilet and Faucet
  • 4 gpm – Shower and Faucet (Recommended)
  • 5 gpm – Outdoor Sprinkler
  • 10 gpm – Garden Hose, no nozzle
  • 15 gpm – Broken Main Line
  • Disabled – Not recommended.

You can select from a range of time durations for Major Leaks, from 2.5 minutes to 30 minutes. All flows that meet or exceed these parameters will set off a Major Leak alert.  

Away Mode Leak: If your Monitor/Control is currently set to Away Mode, you will receive leak alerts every time water runs. You can read more about Home vs. Away Mode.

Dwell Times:

  • 5 sec – It is normal for some appliances like ice makers to fill with water for at least 5 seconds.
  • 15 sec – Most ice makers and dish washers, don’t fill with water for more than 15 sec at a time. (Recommended)
  • 30 sec – Some appliances need a little longer to fill with water.
  • 1 minute – Water softeners can use water for 1 minute or longer.
  • 5 minutes – Unusually long for any appliance or water softener.

Smart Alerts:

Smart Alerts is an alert setting in the StreamLabs App that allows your device (Monitor or Control) to learn your "normal" water usage patterns over a 7-day period. Once the learning period is over, your device will send you an alert any time your water usage appears to be "abnormal."

Room Temperature Alerts:

This is the temperature of the air around your Monitor/Control. Room temperature can vary based on factors such as location, season, and type of home. Please note that if the air gets too cold, it could cause your pipes to freeze and possibly burst.

Other Types of Alerts (Control Only):

Water Pressure Alerts

Water Temperature Alerts

Humidity Alerts


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