My Monitor is having trouble sensing the pipe.

While attempting to calibrate the Monitor, the Monitor is having trouble sensing my pipe.


Water: In order for your Monitor to sense the pipe properly, the pipe needs to be filled with water and the Monitor needs to be seated properly against the pipe. 

Mounting: If the Monitor’s green LED light is single blinking about once every second, this indicates that the Monitor is not sensing the pipe. This is likely due to a mounting issue. First, ensure that the Monitor is sitting completely flush against the pipe, and that it is lined up lengthwise with the pipe. Remember, you may install the Monitor vertically or horizontally on the pipe, but in each case it must be completely flush in that direction. You may need to firmly push the Monitor onto the pipe to ensure that the zip ties are tight. In the event that the Monitor's green LED light is still single blinking, remove the Monitor from the pipe by cutting the zip ties. Clean the pipe section if necessary, or move the Monitor to a new location on the pipe.

  • Use a fabric household cloth or rag to gently clean the section of pipe intended for install. This should adequately remove any paint, dust, and loose dirt from the installation site. In the case of excessive dirt and debris, only use a cloth or rag dampened with water to clean the pipe around the install site. Do not use household cleaners or solvents to clean the pipe.

    Don’t be alarmed if debris, paint, or dust remains on the install location after cleaning. A little bit of debris, paint, or dust will not affect the Monitor's accuracy or performance. If you are unable to get a signal, please refer to our troubleshooting article. If you are still experiencing problems with the installation, our customer support team may have a recommendation for a secondary cleaning tool. 

Hardware: There are two rubber-like pads on the bottom of your Monitor. These pads are necessary for operation. Check that these pads are present and in good condition. If they are missing or damaged, the pads will need to be replaced. Each Monitor comes with a spare set of pads. You can replace these pads yourself. Simply remove the damaged pads from the Monitor and replace them with the spare set. Before putting the new pads on the Monitor, make sure that the Monitor's damaged pads have been completely removed. The sensor area should be smooth to the touch before applying the new set of pads. For a complete guide on how to assess and replace damaged sensor pads, please click here.

Pipe Detection: If you are attempting to mount the Monitor on copper, you may need to try moving the Monitor to a different section.  Copper can commonly have “dead spots” or inconsistencies that may be difficult for the Monitor to sense flow. If the Monitor is already zip-tied to the pipe, you must remove the Monitor completely by cutting the zip-ties and freeing it from the pipe before moving it. Failure to do so can cause damage to the Monitor's sensor pads.


  • Occasionally, the double-blinking Green LED pattern (indicating that the Monitor is sensing the pipe) will not appear right away. Try leaving the Monitor zip-tied to the pipe for a few minutes to see if the pattern appears.
  • You can verify if a certain location on your pipe is suitable for installation by powering the Monitor and then placing it on the desired install location. Press the Monitor onto the pipe by exerting pressure on both sides of the Monitor where the zip-ties go. Do not push on the top of the Monitor. NOTE: Please be careful when pushing your Monitor onto the pipe. Do not push too hard that you could damage the Monitor or your pipes. 


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